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Pro:Rate’s mantra is ‘Any vehicle. Any postcode. Any day’. Our ever-increasing dataset of over 16,000,000 rows of data, grows by 20,000 entries daily, thus offering the most comprehensive collection of current and historical rental data on the market. Our data capture encompasses every available rental vehicle type in the Australia.

Using this extensive pool of data, we provide the following specialised services:

Insightful reports

Use our self-service tool to easily search for rentals by postcode. This tool includes all extras, including excess reduction and additional driver costs offered at each rental company.

Stay ahead with Pro:Rate’s predictive pricing reports

With Pro:Rate’s advanced Predictive Analytics, gain insight into future rental car pricing for any make or model in Australia, no matter the postcode. Our predictive tool forecasts rental prices up to two weeks ahead with impressive confidence intervals.

Empower your next move with reliable foresight and market intelligence that adapts as the landscape shifts. Whether you’re an individual looking to make maximum savings on car rental or a car hire provider aiming to optimise pricing strategies, Pro:Rate’s Predictive Analytics offers the data precision you need.

Market trend reporting

Deep Dive into Market Trends with Pro:Rate Reporting.

Navigate the complexities of the Australian car hire market with Pro:Rate’s Market Trend Reporting. Our robust historical database provides comprehensive trend analysis, highlighting fluctuations in rental rates and availability over time. This tool helps car hire providers benchmark their performance, analyse fleet utilisation, and understand competitive dynamics in real time.

Customise your trend reports to focus on specific criteria, including make and model, rental location, provider comparisons, and more. Equip your business with the strategic insights needed to make informed decisions and stay one step ahead of the competition.

Customised data for research institutions

Data-Driven Insights for Academic and Market Research.

Pro:Rate is a trusted partner for research institutions aiming to explore the impact of car hire factors on consumer behaviour and market patterns across Australia. Our tailored datasets offer an in-depth look into variables such as rental availability, pricing, and geographic trends.

With customisable reports suited to specific research goals, Pro:Rate supports studies in economics, consumer behaviour, travel, and urban planning. Our data can help uncover correlations, forecast outcomes, and provide a robust foundation for academic publications or industry white papers.

Seasonal demand forecasting

Plan for Peaks and Valleys in Rental Car Demand.

For car hire providers and industry analysts, understanding seasonal demand is crucial to optimising fleet management and pricing. Pro:Rate’s Seasonal Demand Forecasting module uses historical data and predictive algorithms to anticipate peak and low seasons, ensuring your fleet is positioned for profitability year-round.

Access projections that detail how specific events, holidays, and tourist influxes impact demand in various regions and adapt your business model to align with these fluctuations and secure your competitive edge in the market.

Example charts:

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